Getting started with girls volleyball

Volleyball is a great way to build fitness and strong habits of character, including teamwork, leadership, and communications skills.

Getting started with girls volleyball
Photo by Bruce Warrington / Unsplash

In our recent homeschool sports survey, over a quarter of the respondents expressed interest in volleyball.

We are blessed to have veteran volleyball coach Breanne Hause among our Kings families. She would be pleased to help you get started with girls volleyball.

Mrs. Hause is mother of Kings baseball players Tanner and Hunter Hause and a former college volleyball player. She has been coaching volleyball for over twenty years. Her husband Ryan Hause serves the Kings as a youth baseball coach.

After many years coaching for a large volleyball club, Mrs. Hause moved to the smaller, more-family-oriented Houston Prep Volleyball Academy ("PVA") this past year.

PVA uses the gyms at Grand Lakes Junior High, across the street from the Premier Baseball complex where our high school baseball teams practice and play.

PVA provides a volleyball opportunity for young girls wanting more than parent-coached teams typically provide. Coming up at PVA are league, camp, and clinic opportunities, as well as tryouts in June.

Mrs. Hause would be pleased to have a conversation with you about the volleyball generally and options available in our area, including but not limited to PVA. Please feel free to email her at or check the PVA website for the Club Director's contact information. Mrs. Hause advises that Chrissy Woodward is the club director and also a wealth of information.