Coach Barrera signs with Tampa Bay Rays

It's not every day that a beloved Tomball Kings baseball teacher and coach leaves us for Major League Baseball. In fact, it's never happened before! But we are indeed thrilled that the Tampa Bay Rays have signed Coach Tres Barrera and will be cheering for him every step of the way as he continues his journey as a professional athlete.
Coach Barrera heads to spring training with the Rays next week, at their spring home in Port Charlotte FL.
In truth, we knew all winter that Coach Barrera's playing days were far from over and that he would have to leave for spring training at some point.
We have enjoyed every moment with him and will miss seeing his wife Lindsey Barrera and their children Klea and Kruz at high school practices and games.
We cannot understate Coach Barrera's impact on our school. He has elevated the play of our high school, junior high, and elementary school athletes, defensively and offensively. He has brought a much-needed perspective to our student-athletes and his fellow teachers and coaches along the way. We have especially appreciated his lessons on the mental side of baseball and athletics more generally.
We are all Rays fans, now! Best of success, Coach Barrera. Thank you for being our teacher and coach. Now it is our turn to cheer for you.